
The easiest way to get started with Python-LabThings is via the labthings.create_app() function, and the labthings.LabThing builder methods.

We will assume that for basic usage you already have some basic instrument control code. In our example, this is in the form of a PretendSpectrometer class, which will generate some data like your instrument control code might. Our PretendSpectrometer class has a data attribute which quickly returns a spectrum, an x_range attribute which determines the range of data we’ll return, an integration_time attribute for cleaning up our signal, and a slow average_data(n) method to average n individual data measurements.

Building an API from this class requires a few extra considerations. In order to tell our API what data to expect from users, we need to construct a schema for each of our interactions. This schema simply maps variable names to JSON-compatible types, and is made simple via the labthings.fields module.

For properties, the input and output MUST be formatted the same, and so a single schema argument handles both. For actions, the input parameters and output response may be different. In this case, we can pass a schema argument to format the output, and an args argument to specify the input parameters,

An example Lab Thing built from our PretendSpectrometer class, complete with schemas, might look like:

import time

from labthings import ActionView, PropertyView, create_app, fields, find_component, op
from labthings.example_components import PretendSpectrometer
from labthings.json import encode_json

Class for our lab component functionality. This could include serial communication,
equipment API calls, network requests, or a "virtual" device as seen here.

Create a view to view and change our integration_time value,
and register is as a Thing property

# Wrap in a semantic annotation to autmatically set schema and args
class DenoiseProperty(PropertyView):
    """Value of integration_time"""

    schema = fields.Int(required=True, minimum=100, maximum=500)
    semtype = "LevelProperty"

    def get(self):
        # When a GET request is made, we'll find our attached component
        my_component = find_component("org.labthings.example.mycomponent")
        return my_component.integration_time

    def put(self, new_property_value):
        # Find our attached component
        my_component = find_component("org.labthings.example.mycomponent")

        # Apply the new value
        my_component.integration_time = new_property_value

        return my_component.integration_time

Create a view to quickly get some noisy data, and register is as a Thing property

class QuickDataProperty(PropertyView):
    """Show the current data value"""

    # Marshal the response as a list of floats
    schema = fields.List(fields.Float())

    def get(self):
        # Find our attached component
        my_component = find_component("org.labthings.example.mycomponent")
        return my_component.data

Create a view to start an averaged measurement, and register is as a Thing action

class MeasurementAction(ActionView):
    # Expect JSON parameters in the request body.
    # Pass to post function as dictionary argument.
    args = {
        "averages": fields.Integer(
            missing=20, example=20, description="Number of data sets to average over",
    # Marshal the response as a list of numbers
    schema = fields.List(fields.Number)

    # Main function to handle POST requests
    def post(self, args):
        """Start an averaged measurement"""

        # Find our attached component
        my_component = find_component("org.labthings.example.mycomponent")

        # Get arguments and start a background task
        n_averages = args.get("averages")

        # Return the task information
        return my_component.average_data(n_averages)

# Create LabThings Flask app
app, labthing = create_app(
    title="My Lab Device API",
    description="Test LabThing-based API",

# Attach an instance of our component
# Usually a Python object controlling some piece of hardware
my_spectrometer = PretendSpectrometer()
labthing.add_component(my_spectrometer, "org.labthings.example.mycomponent")

# Add routes for the API views we created
labthing.add_view(DenoiseProperty, "/integration_time")
labthing.add_view(QuickDataProperty, "/quick-data")
labthing.add_view(MeasurementAction, "/actions/measure")

# Start the app
if __name__ == "__main__":
    from labthings import Server


Once started, the app will build and serve a full web API, and generate the following Thing Description:

    "@context": [
    "id": "",
    "base": "",
    "title": "My PretendSpectrometer API",
    "description": "LabThing API for PretendSpectrometer",
    "properties": {
        "pretendSpectrometerData": {
            "title": "PretendSpectrometer_data",
            "description": "A single-shot measurement",
            "readOnly": true,
            "links": [{
                "href": "/properties/PretendSpectrometer/data"
            "forms": [{
                "op": "readproperty",
                "htv:methodName": "GET",
                "href": "/properties/PretendSpectrometer/data",
                "contentType": "application/json"
            "type": "array",
            "items": {
                "type": "number",
                "format": "decimal"
        "pretendSpectrometerMagicDenoise": {
            "title": "PretendSpectrometer_magic_denoise",
            "description": "Single-shot integration time",
            "links": [{
                "href": "/properties/PretendSpectrometer/magic_denoise"
            "forms": [{
                    "op": "readproperty",
                    "htv:methodName": "GET",
                    "href": "/properties/PretendSpectrometer/magic_denoise",
                    "contentType": "application/json"
                    "op": "writeproperty",
                    "htv:methodName": "PUT",
                    "href": "/properties/PretendSpectrometer/magic_denoise",
                    "contentType": "application/json"
            "type": "number",
            "format": "integer",
            "min": 100,
            "max": 500,
            "example": 200
    "actions": {
        "averageDataAction": {
            "title": "average_data_action",
            "description": "Take an averaged measurement",
            "links": [{
                "href": "/actions/PretendSpectrometer/average_data"
            "forms": [{
                "op": "invokeaction",
                "htv:methodName": "POST",
                "href": "/actions/PretendSpectrometer/average_data",
                "contentType": "application/json"
            "input": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                    "n": {
                        "type": "number",
                        "format": "integer",
                        "default": 5,
                        "description": "Number of averages to take",
                        "example": 5
    "links": [],
    "securityDefinitions": {},
    "security": "nosec_sc"

For completeness of the examples, our PretendSpectrometer class code is:

import random
import math
import time

class PretendSpectrometer:
    def __init__(self):
        self.x_range = range(-100, 100)
        self.integration_time = 200

    def make_spectrum(self, x, mu=0.0, sigma=25.0):
        Generate a noisy gaussian function (to act as some pretend data)

        Our noise is inversely proportional to self.integration_time
        x = float(x - mu) / sigma
        return (
            math.exp(-x * x / 2.0) / math.sqrt(2.0 * math.pi) / sigma
            + (1 / self.integration_time) * random.random()

    def data(self):
        """Return a 1D data trace."""
        time.sleep(self.integration_time / 1000)
        return [self.make_spectrum(x) for x in self.x_range]

    def average_data(self, n: int):
        """Average n-sets of data. Emulates a measurement that may take a while."""
        summed_data = self.data

        for _ in range(n):
            summed_data = [summed_data[i] + el for i, el in enumerate(self.data)]

        summed_data = [i / n for i in summed_data]

        return summed_data